Saturday, December 3, 2016

Essential Oils For Your Skin Concern

Essential Oils For You & Your Skin Concerns

Oily Skin: Used to regulate & normalize oil production

  • Orange
  • Lemon
  • Lime
  • Bergamot
  • Geranium
  • Cypress
Mix with: Jojoba or Hemp Oil

Acne Prone: Used to calm & prevent

  • Tea Tree (Melaleuca Alternifolia)
  • Geranium
  • Vetiver
  • Lavender
  • Patchouli 
Mix with: Argan or Hemp Oil

Dry Skin: Used to calm & hydrate

  • Cedarwood
  • Geranium
  • Myrrh
  • Sandalwood
  • Palmarosa
  • Roman or German Chamomile 
Mix with: Argan or Rosehip Oil

Aging Skin: Used to firm & smooth skin

  • Tangerine
  • Ylang-Ylang
  • Patchouli
  • Cypress
  • Sandalwood
  • Lavender
  • Frankincense
  • Rose
  • Palmarosa
Mix with: Argan or Rosehip Oil

Combination Skin: Used to control oil with little drying

  • Patchouli
  • Lavender
  • Bergamot
  • Orange
Mix with: Jojoba Oil or Hemp Oil

Red & Dark Spots: Used to lighten & brighten damaged skin

  • Lavender
  • Lemon
  • Frankincense
Mix with: Jojoba Oil or Argan Oil

Love products you are already using? Check the ingredient label. More and more cosmetic companies are realizing that natural oils play a big part in skin care and have begun adding such oils to their products.  

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Homemade Cellulite Wraps

DIY Homemade Cellulite Wraps

Cellulite is one of those things that scientists and doctors still question.  It is not harmful and can appear in skinny and obese individuals.  It does not cause pain or discomfort, but most people do not like the way it looks.  It does tend to show up more in woman than men and can be caused by many different factors.

Leading Causes of Cellulite

  • Hormonal Changes
  • Poor Diet
  • Jobs that require lots of sitting
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Slow metabolism
  • Thickness & Color of skin
  • Tight Clothing

There are many ways to help reduce cellulite.  Changing your eating and exercise habits can help significantly.  Stretching, dry brushing, and taking apple cider vinegar and cayenne pepper internally can also help speed up the process of getting rid of annoying cellulite.

The Wraps

Saran Wrap works great as the actually wrap that you will use to hold in the herbs and oils on your skin because it also helps generate heat and sweat which will intensify the effects of the ingredients.

Make sure to scrub your body before doing a wrap for better absorption.  There are so many dead layers of skin on the body that can get in the way of the products that you are putting onto your body.

You also want to be sure to buy the most raw and organic forms of these ingredients due to it being placed directly onto the skin to be absorbed.  Using the purist form will not only produce better results but are also better for your body.

Reminder: DO NOT wrap tightly.  Part of cellulite forming is not getting enough circulation and caffeine and niacin are working to bring that circulation back to the skin, so making the wrap too tight can do adverse effects.  You are wrapping to hold the ingredients on your skin, to not make a mess, and to create heat. 


  • Seaweed (Crushed or powdered)
  • Aloe Vera
  • Caffeine (Usually coffee grounds are used)
  • Niacin
  • Cayenne Pepper
  • Green Tea
  • Juniper Oil or Berries
  • Apple Cider Vinegar

Oils With Diuretic Properties

  • Cypress
  • Fennel
  • Geranium
  • Grapefruit
  • Juniper Berry
  • Rosemary
Herbs That Help Relax and Calm

  • Chamomile
  • Fennel
  • Ginger Root
  • Lavender

Don't feel like you have to use all of these ingredients.  Choose a few that you have or that are accessible to you, massage them onto your body and wrap it up! It is good to start with only wearing the wrap for 45 minutes to test your sensitivity, but then you can can leave them on for a couple of hours while you chill in front of the TV with your favorite Netflix show.  

It is recommended to do wraps 1-2 times per week and it may take a couple of months before you start seeing true results.  

Thursday, June 9, 2016

All Natural Skin Brightening

All Natural Skin Brightening

Summer is here and with it comes vacation and fun times at the beach soaking up the warm and wonderful sunshine! But with that strong summer sun also comes sun damage.  Whether it be hyper or hypopigmentation, freckles or age spots we all get sun damage on our skin even if we can't see it in the mirror.  Not to mention other forms of skin darkening such as scars where acne may have been or melasma.  There are so many brightening cremes and serums out there but with them come negative additive ingredients such as preservatives.  But don't fret, there are plenty of things you can use at home and may even have in your kitchen to help lighten those stubborn spots.

Essential Oils For Brightening Skin

I cannot stress enough the importance of mixing essential oils with a carrier oil or butter and not putting raw directly on the skin due to harshness and irritation. See Comedogenic Oil Scale to find an oil or butter that will not clog your pores.
  • Lemon
  • Sandalwood
  • Lemongrass
  • Carrot Seed Oil
  • Lavender
  • Geranium
  • Rosemary

Other Ingredients for Skin Brightening

Aside from essential oils there are many fruits, veggies, teas, and herbs that help brighten skin as well.  Try mixing multiple with essential oils for a mask at home.

  • Turmeric
  • Chamomile
  • Bearberry
  • Kojic Acid
  • Papaya
  • Oranges
  • Lady's Mantle
  • Red Onions
  • Licorice Root
  • Horseradish
  • Tomatoes
  • Salmon's Seal, Ground Ivy Leaves & Wild Strawberry Combination
  • Lemon Balm
  • Rice Powder
  • Pomegranate
  • Rooibos
  • Rosewater
  • Saffron

Enjoy your summer with bright and beautiful skin and remember the best treatment for sun damage is prevention by wearing a good sunscreen every day!

Monday, March 28, 2016

Natural DIY Bug Spray For You & Pets

Natural Ways To Keep Fleas & Ticks At Bay

Spring & Summer are headed fast our way and with the beautiful sunny seasons come the not so fun bugs! Fleas, Ticks and Mosquitoes can be a big pain and can cause many health problems.  All blood sucking insects carry diseases and more and more people and dogs are suffering from Lyme Disease caused by deer ticks.  But why not just buy a bug spray?  Bug sprays contain many chemicals and additives that are not good for your skin or the environment like Deet.  Not to mention it can be much cheaper to make your own as well for a more economical household. 

Essential Oils To Keep Bugs Away

There are a number of essential oils you can add to anything that will help keep bugs away from you and your family, including your family pet.  Remember when using essential oils DO NOT put on skin raw.  Add a carrier oil, honey, or shea butter to dilute as to not cause any skin irritation.
  • Bergamot
  • Cedarwood
  • Citronella
  • Geranium
  • Lavender
  • Lemon
  • Lemongrass
  • Lemon-Eucalyptus
  • Peppermint
  • Rosemary
  • Sage/Clary Sage
  • Sweet Orange

The Magic of Neem Oil

Neem is one of my top favorite oils, even though it can smell like gross peanuts, because it is a miracle worker.  Neem is antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and herpes killer.  Neem can be bought in oil or powder form online or at your local Indian Grocery Store.  Neem can be rubbed directly on the skin or added to a dog shampoo or body soap.  I always add a little neem into any bug spray to keep the bugs away.  

Big Tip: Neem can be added to your sprinkler system water to be sprayed onto the grass to keep ticks, mosquitoes and fleas off of your lawn!!

WARNING: Do not consume if pregnant or possibly pregnant due  to neem's supposed birth control effects. Still okay for external use in pregnant women.

DIY Bug Spray Recipe

I like to get a small spray bottle to put mine in for easy application.  Because we will be mixing water with the oils in order for easy spraying be sure to shake well before use due to the separation of oils and water.

  1. Roughly 2 Tbsp. Non-Comedogenic carrier oil such as Argan, Sunflower, Safflower, etc. (See Comedogenic Oil Scale)
  2. 3-5 Drops of at least 3 of the above Essential Oils especially Citronella
  3. 3-4 Drops of Neem Oil
  4. Fill Rest of Container with Water
  5. Shake Well
  6. Keep in dark cabinet with regulated temperature for longer lasting.  Adding lemon or honey as well works as a preservative.  
For bigger Spray bottles just double or triple recipe

Enjoy the Sunshine and Keep you and your Pets Safe!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Natural Homemade Sunscreen

Natural Homemade Sunscreen

Spring & Summer are getting closer every minute and the warmth and sunshine are trying to break through this gross winter weather.  But with sunshine comes dangerous sun rays that damage your skin.  The sun is amazing and packed full of Vitamin D which makes you happy and promotes bone health...but not skin health!  Dangerous UVB & UVA Rays cause sun spots/damage, melanoma and other skin cancers as well as 90% OF WRINKLES!!!  Basically if we never went in the sun and never made facial expressions we would all be completely wrinkle free, unfortunately that's impossible and unhealthy.

Over the counter sunscreens work but they contain parabens, PABA and other ingredients that are not only harmful for the body but also cause many allergic reactions in people.  So what is a healthy alternative? Make it at home! Now when you make sunscreen at home there is no way to prove the SPF but if you use enough ingredients that contain high amounts of sun protection you know you are covered for at least 1-2 hrs in the sun before re-application.

The amount of SPF also depends on the amount of each product used.  The more of each product, the more SPF. You can use the ingredients alone and just add it to your makeup or lotion or you can mix them together and put it in a bottle or jar just for your homemade sunscreen.


  • Zinc Oxide SPF 2-20
  • Carrot Seed Oil SPF 35-40
  • Red Raspberry Seed Oil SPF 25-50
  • Shea Butter SPF 4-6

Enjoy your Spring & Summer and don't forget to wear SUNSCREEN!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Scrubbing Do's & Don'ts

Scrubbing Do's & Don'ts

Scrubbing your face is something everyone needs to do in order to get rid of dead skin cells and bacteria sitting on the surface of your skin as well as allowing a deeper penetration of the products you use.  But scrubbing can also be dangerous and harsh for your face.  You should NOT scrub every day! Scrubbing should be a normal part of your routine, but like a mask should only be done about 2-3x per week or every other day or two.  Too much exfoliation can lead to hyperpigmentation, stretched and enlarged pores, breakouts, scarring and rosacea.  

When it comes to scrubbing its not just about how many times per week you use it, but what you are using when you do it.  Most scrubs out there, whether bought at the store or made at home are too harsh for the face.  You don't need to destroy and scrape your skin to exfoliate, it needs to be gentle as to not cause scarring and many other problems.  The best scrubbing beads disintegrate during use.  Here are a few scrubs to stay away from and the one I use most!

Scrubs To Stay Away From

Apricot Scrub: This popular scrub could possibly be used for the body but is way too harsh for your face.  When you use this product the scrub is slicing small microscopic lesions all over your face leaving it susceptible to bacteria and free radicals to enter the skins surface.  It can lead to infection and scarring as well as hyperpigmentation and rosacea. 

Seeds: I've seen a lot of Strawberry Seed Scrubs as well as apricot,  kiwi, cucumber, sesame and many other natural seeds used in scrubbing products.  Companies like them because unlike microbeads that are plastic these are natural and therefore gain people's attention for being good for you because it comes from a plant.  This is untrue.  They are still harsh and most are sharp and they do not deteriorate in water. 

Microbeads: These became very popular in cosmetics a couple decades ago due to their deep scrubbing and cheap manufacturing. Unfortunately these small plastic beads are not good for your face or the environment.  Because they are plastic they do not ever break down and therefore stay in the water system going into the oceans and clogging drains.  

Sugars: Sugar is a great natural scrub whether brown or white, but only for the body! It works wonders on hands and feet as well as stimulating hair growth on body for people who get ingrown hairs often but sugar is never good to put on the face.  Glucose and other sugars can clog pores and cause acne in many users.  Even eating too much sugar can cause this same reaction on your face.  This is a DIY no no! So many people recommend this and I am shocked.  Keep those sugars off your face and out of your diet!

Baking Soda: I see this all over the web! Baking soda for scrubs, to treat pimples and to use as a mask.  Do not do this! Baking soda is very alkaline on the pH scale where as our face is acidic.  The Acid Mantle on your skin is what keeps bacteria from living and growing on the surface of your skin.  When you use something that is very alkaline like lye/soap, baking soda, and even toothpaste you are taking away that acid mantle and therefore becoming susceptible to bacteria which can cause acne, pimples, scars and infection.

So, What Scrub Should You Use?

My all time favorite scrub, and honestly the only scrub I use for my face, are Jojoba beads.  Jojoba is an oil that is then made into tiny, disintegrating beads that as you scrub become water soluble which make it gentle on the face as well as keeps your drains clean and our oceans safe.  I order a small container of Jojoba beads from Amazon and just add it to a cleanser or oil a couple times per week to scrub my face.  Because of their popular reputation in the professional beauty industry many over the counter beauty scrubs have also started switching to jojoba.  Make sure to always check labels! I have found some OTC scrubs that say they contain Jojoba but at a deeper look also contained apricot seeds as well because Jojoba can be expensive for manufacturers. 

Below is a link to Amazon for the exact Jojoba Beads that a purchase for my home use:

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Pearl Powder; Ancient Wonder, Modern Marvel

The Wonder of Pearl Powder

I am so excited because I just got my first pouch of pearl powder in the mail from Amazon! I've been reading a lot about how amazing pearl powder is and all its many uses. Cleopatra was famous for using pearl powder to keep her skin young and beautiful and now so can you.

Below is a link to Amazon for the best priced pearl powder I could find and it is quite a large bag.

Benefits Of Pearl Powder

  • Minimizes Large Pores
  • Heals Acne & Blemishes
  • Accelerates New Skin Growth
  • Regenerates Collagen
  • Firms & Softens Glowing, Youthful Skin
  • Prevents Skin Aging & Deterioration
  • Repairs Sun Damaged Skin & Scars
  • Increases Elasticity & Tightens Skin
  • Reduces Freckles, Sun Spots & Hyperpigmentation
  • Reduces Wrinkles, Fine Lines & Sagging Skin
  • Prevents Melanin From Creating New Dark Spots

You can use Pearl Powder in many different ways.  You can add water, milk or oil to make a paste for a mask 2-3x a week.  You can use it as an exfoliator to slough off dead skin cells without irritating the skin.  It also protects you from the sun and can be added to your makeup powder or used instead of.  To use alone as makeup just add a little bronzer to give you some color considering the powder is white.  Some people just dust it over their face every night before bed because the powder is very absorbent.  Doing things over night to your face is a great way to treat skin disorders or complaints because your cells renew 30% faster as you sleep thus working 30% faster on the problem at hand.  

Pearl Powder has been very popular in Eastern countries for centuries famed for its use by China's only female empress Wu Zetian.  Recently science has also proven that pearl powder works and is praised for its anti-aging benefits and treating acne.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Dictionary of Fruits and Berries For Your Face

Fruit & Berries For Your Face

 Most people look for skin care products that contain antioxidants, Vitamin A or forms of it like retinol, Vitamin C for brightening, and AHA's for exfoliation.  What people don't always know is that you can find these same ingredient fresh out of your crisper.  Fresh fruit and berries contain high amounts of many vitamins and nutrients that your skin craves just as much as your stomach. Who needs a $75 product when you can get the same effects from putting your favorite fruits on your face. 

These are the best fruits and berries to use on your face and what skin conditions they are best for treating.

Acai Berries- These are very high in Antioxidants which fight free radical damage.  They are also rich in Vitamin C which brightens and lightens the skin to get rid of hyperpigmentation as well as anti-inflammatory to help calm skin with acne or other inflammation.  

Amla- Also known as Indian Gooseberry, is rich in Vitamin A which increases collagen production to keep skin tight, glowing, and rid of wrinkles. 

Apples- Apples contain so many vitamins and antioxidants to keep the skin safe and bright.  They have vitamins A,B and C as well as Beta-Carotene which all help fight aging, sun damage, pigmentation and acne. It also contains copper which helps in the formation of melanin, protecting you from the sun.  The vitamins in apples also help in the production of collagen and elastin for tighter, younger skin.  You can use red apples to treat acne and breakouts and green apples to fight aging and wrinkles.  Apple Cider Vinegar is also amazing to use on the skin as a toner for purification and balancing for the skin.

Bananas- These delicious snacks are rich in antioxidants and vitamins A,B and C as well as magnesium, potassium and folate.  You can use these to heal cracked or dry skin because of its amazing healing and hydrating properties.  They also fight aging and wrinkles on the face. 

Blueberries- These tiny blue treasures are more rich in antioxidants than any other fruit.  They also contain Vitamins A, B, C and E as well as potassium, zinc, copper, iron and magnesium.  Using blueberries on your skin will smooth the surface, eliminate scars, prevent fine lines and wrinkles, increase elasticity, fight blemishes and acne, even out skin tone and balance the oil on your face. Honestly, what do blueberries not do?!?

Cranberries- Because cranberries are so acidic they are great for treating acne and oily skin.  They actually prevent the formation of sebum and make the skin oil free.  They also contain Vitamin C for the production of collagen and brightening of hyperpigmentation.  Cranberries fight free radical damage with antioxidants and are also antiseptic and can be used to cleanse the skin.  

Elderberries- This Superfruit is packed with flavonoids that not only fight free radical damage but also make this berry anti-bacterial, ant-viral, anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory which can be used to treat acne, cold sores, rashes and allergic reactions as well as redness and inflammation.  The bioflavonoids are also amazing and can be used to prevent and reverse wrinkles while aiding in the production of collagen, fight varicose veins and spider veins, and reduce the appearance as well as inhibit hyperpigmentation.  The flower found on the elderberry plant can also be used as a toner for the skin.  

Goji Berries- Rich in Antioxidants and amino acids this berry is great at reversing the effects of aging and sun damage on the skin.  They also are anti-inflammatory, help firm skin, get rid of wrinkles, reduce the appearance of scars and heal sun damaged skin.  

Grapes-Grapes are loaded with phyto-nutrients and phyto-chemicals which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties to fight damaged skin and acne.  They are rich in Vitamin C which helps fight the signs of aging and flavonoids which help fight sun damage on the skin and prevent the sun from damaging the skin.  They are high in alpha hydroxy acids or AHAs which exfoliate the skin for youthful, glowing skin.  They are very hydrating and can be used for people with very dry skin.  Black grapes are great at fighting acne and clearing oily skin of oil.  Green grapes can be used to brighten and lighten skin tone and grape seed oil can be used to lighten dark circles under the eyes.  

Guava- This fruit has an abundance of Vitamin C, antioxidants and carotene which make it amazing on the skin.  It improves your complexion by removing impurities that cause acne and brightening skin tone to get rid of hyperpigmentation.  The lycopene found in guavas helps protect you skin from harmful UV Rays and works as an antioxidant to fight free radical damage.  It contains Vitamins A,B and C as well as potassium which help fight signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles.  It also contains Vitamin K which works in amazing ways to heal the skin of acne, scars, lesions, rosacea, redness and irritation. It can also help hydrate dry skin, get rid of blackheads, be used as a toner and it blocks allergens making it great for itchy, irritated skin.

Juniper Berries- These amazing berries are ant-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-spasmodic, Astringent and Anti-Cancer.  Due to these amazing benefits it can fight acne, help get rid of cellulite, detox skin, calm skin, and treat eczema.  

Kiwi- The Vitamin C in kiwi is amazing at stimulating collagen and elastin production which help you fight aging by getting rid of fine lines and wrinkles.  It also repairs your skin leaving it soft, smooth and hydrated for younger looking skin.

Lemon- Due to its rich acid filled with antibacterial benefits, lemons are best at treating acne, oily skin, and dark spots.  It bleaches and evens out skin tone as well as kill acne causing bacteria.  You can also use lemon to clean your skin and fight canker sores.  Be careful when using lemon due to its strength you may want to ad a carrier oil or base like honey to dilute its potency.

Mango- Being rich in Vitamins A & C as well as Carotene make this fruit great at treating acne and getting rid of blackheads as well  fight signs of aging by aiding in the production of collagen.  

Mangosteen- This amazing fruit is anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-microbial and anti-fungal.  It fights many skin disorders and heals skin of acne lesions and blackheads.  It is also great at fighting aging due to its rich antioxidants and Vitamin C.  The Xanthone compound found in the skin helps to repair damaged skin cells and heal scars.  

Noni- Noni is great for your body inside and out.  It may smell like gross soy sauce but don't let that fool you.  It is anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and wound healing.  It is rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C and can be used to treat wrinkles, dry skin, acne, canker sores, burns, sunburns and allergic reactions. 

Oranges- We all know oranges are rich in Vitamin C which makes them great at fighting wrinkles and fine lines due to its aiding of collagen production.  Orange Peel Powder can be used to naturally bleach skin if you have acne scars or dark spots.  It also shrinks open pores and the citric acid help exfoliate and dry up acne.

Papaya- This fruit is a great natural exfoliator due to the Papain enzyme found in it which cause a natural shedding of dead skin cells healing dry flaky skin and revealing young, healthy "new skin".  The papain also aids in collagen and elastin production and contributes to hydration and anti-aging.  The Vitamin A and C work along side papain to aid collagen and fight free radical damage.  It also lightens skin tone, heals wounds and adds moisture and nutrition to the skin.

Peaches- Being rich in Vitamins A, C & K make peaches do wonders for your skin.  They are great at hydrating dry skin, reducing wrinkles and producing collagen, healing wounds and protecting you from harmful UV Rays.  

Pomegranate- This beautiful red fruit regenerates skin and prevents aging and hyperpigmentation.  It improves the texture of your skin leaving it soft and smooth.  It also fights skin cancer and protects skin from the sun.  You can also use pomegranate seed oil to cleanse your face.  

Raspberries- Very rich in antioxidant this berry helps fight damage from chemicals, sun, smoke and pollution that attach to our skin every day.  They are antibacterial and anti-fungal which make them great for treating acne and irritations on the skin.  It is an astringent and can be used as a toner and is also famous for tightening and firming the skin.  It is also anti-inflammatory and can be used to treat eczema.

Sea Buckthorn Berries- Antibacterial, antioxidant and rich in Vitamin C and fatty acids this berry is great at healing wounds and lesions, aiding in collagen production and firming skin, hydrating dry skin and treating acne.  It is also rich in Vitamin A with helps treat signs of aging and regenerates skin to its youthful glow.  It has also been found to help treat atopic dermatitis.

Strawberries- These berries are delicious and amazing.  They can be used to treat oily skin and acne as well as brighten your complexion.  One special things strawberries do is reduce the puffiness around the eyes.  You can use the seeds as an exfoliator for face or body.  

When using fruit in my skincare routine I usually smash fresh fruit or use its pure juice or oil.  Some fruits like noni and mangosteen can be easier to find in juice form than raw form and it works just as well.  

So remember don't just eat your fruits, WEAR THEM!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Treating Cold Sores Naturally

Coping With Cold Sores

Cold sores are the worst! Not only are they painful but they are also embarrassing.  To add to the misery,  over the counter cold sore treatments can be ridiculously expensive.  Luckily there are a lot of essential oils and natural ingredients that work just as good, if not better than the creams and drugs at the store. 

To start we need to take a look at the main causes of cold sores and how to prevent them.  Eating right, staying calm, and wearing SPF can be easy steps to help prevent these stubborn annoyances from even entering our life.  Unfortunately you cannot always control your surroundings and you may fall ill, not get enough rest or hurt yourself and "POP!" you've got a cold sore.

Natural Cold Sore Treatments

To Fight Herpes
Eucalyptus Oil
Geranium Oil
Tea Tree Oil

To Kill Bacteria
Lemon Oil
Tea Tree

To Heal Lesions
Sweet Almond Oil
Rosehip Oil
Lavender Oil
Juniper Berry

To Calm The Fever
Lavender Oil
Green Tea
Aloe Vera

I often will mix a multiple of these together for one treatment and apply it throughout the day.  Sweet Almond Oil and Honey work as a great carrier because they help fight the cold sore while also keeping your skin protected from the harshness of putting essential oils directly on your skin which may cause irritation.

No one wants to kiss this girl! Don't let that be you!

Comedogenic Oils Scale

Comedogenic Scale For Oils

Oils can be so amazing for your body.  They are hydrating and calming and do wonders for your skin, hair and nails.  Many have the misconception that oils should not be used on the face because they clog pores.  Yes, many oils do clog your pores and those are great for your hair and body, but what oils can you use on your face? A handful of oils are non-comedogenic.

This scale lists common used oils from 0-5 to show the oils that do not clog pores at all to those that are best to keep on the body and hair.  

0-Will not clog pores
2-Moderately Low
4-Fairly High

Almond Oil-2                                                     Apricot Kernel Oil-2
Argan Oil-0                                                       Avocado Oil-2
Baobab Oil-2                                                     Borage Oil-2
Calendula Oil-1                                                 Camphor-2
Castor Oil-1                                                      Cocoa Butter-4
Coconut Butter-4                                              Coconut Oil-4
Corn Oil-3                                                        Cotton Seed Oil-3
Emu Oil-1                                                         Evening Primrose Oil-2
Flax Seed Oil-4                                                 Grape Seed Oil-2
Hazelnut Oil-2                                                   Hemp Seed Oil-0
Jojoba Oil-2                                                      Linseed Oil-4
Mango Butter-0                                                 Mineral Oil-0
Mink Oil-3                                                         Neem Oil-1
Olive Oil-2                                                        Palm Oil-4
Peach Kernel Oil-2                                            Peanut Oil-2
Petrolatum-0                                                   Pomegranate Oil-1
Pumpkin Seed Oil-1                                         Rosehip Oil-1
Safflower Oil-0                                                Sandalwood Seed Oil-2
Sea Buckthorn Oil-1                                        Sesame Oil-2
Shea Butter-0                                                 Soybean Oil-3
Sunflower Oil-0                                               Tamanu Oil-2
Wheat Germ Oil-5                                           Shark Liver Oil-3

I have highlighted the oils that will never clog your pores and those are best to use if you have oily or acne-prone skin.  Oils rated with a 1 or 2 are still good for the face but used less frequent with oily skin and more frequent with normal or dry skin.  All oils rated 3-5 are great to use on your body and work wonders on stretch marks as well as on your hair to help with frizzy or damaged hair for a natural glow.

I wanted to add this photo at the bottom to show the two different comedones; open and closed.  An open comedone is an opened pore where dirt, dead skin and oxygen turn the sebum(oil) dry and dark as if you left a cut apple out on the table for an hour, we call these blackheads.  A closed comedone has a small piece of flesh covering the pore keeping it closed and the sebum white which is what whiteheads are.