Monday, March 14, 2016

Dictionary of Fruits and Berries For Your Face

Fruit & Berries For Your Face

 Most people look for skin care products that contain antioxidants, Vitamin A or forms of it like retinol, Vitamin C for brightening, and AHA's for exfoliation.  What people don't always know is that you can find these same ingredient fresh out of your crisper.  Fresh fruit and berries contain high amounts of many vitamins and nutrients that your skin craves just as much as your stomach. Who needs a $75 product when you can get the same effects from putting your favorite fruits on your face. 

These are the best fruits and berries to use on your face and what skin conditions they are best for treating.

Acai Berries- These are very high in Antioxidants which fight free radical damage.  They are also rich in Vitamin C which brightens and lightens the skin to get rid of hyperpigmentation as well as anti-inflammatory to help calm skin with acne or other inflammation.  

Amla- Also known as Indian Gooseberry, is rich in Vitamin A which increases collagen production to keep skin tight, glowing, and rid of wrinkles. 

Apples- Apples contain so many vitamins and antioxidants to keep the skin safe and bright.  They have vitamins A,B and C as well as Beta-Carotene which all help fight aging, sun damage, pigmentation and acne. It also contains copper which helps in the formation of melanin, protecting you from the sun.  The vitamins in apples also help in the production of collagen and elastin for tighter, younger skin.  You can use red apples to treat acne and breakouts and green apples to fight aging and wrinkles.  Apple Cider Vinegar is also amazing to use on the skin as a toner for purification and balancing for the skin.

Bananas- These delicious snacks are rich in antioxidants and vitamins A,B and C as well as magnesium, potassium and folate.  You can use these to heal cracked or dry skin because of its amazing healing and hydrating properties.  They also fight aging and wrinkles on the face. 

Blueberries- These tiny blue treasures are more rich in antioxidants than any other fruit.  They also contain Vitamins A, B, C and E as well as potassium, zinc, copper, iron and magnesium.  Using blueberries on your skin will smooth the surface, eliminate scars, prevent fine lines and wrinkles, increase elasticity, fight blemishes and acne, even out skin tone and balance the oil on your face. Honestly, what do blueberries not do?!?

Cranberries- Because cranberries are so acidic they are great for treating acne and oily skin.  They actually prevent the formation of sebum and make the skin oil free.  They also contain Vitamin C for the production of collagen and brightening of hyperpigmentation.  Cranberries fight free radical damage with antioxidants and are also antiseptic and can be used to cleanse the skin.  

Elderberries- This Superfruit is packed with flavonoids that not only fight free radical damage but also make this berry anti-bacterial, ant-viral, anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory which can be used to treat acne, cold sores, rashes and allergic reactions as well as redness and inflammation.  The bioflavonoids are also amazing and can be used to prevent and reverse wrinkles while aiding in the production of collagen, fight varicose veins and spider veins, and reduce the appearance as well as inhibit hyperpigmentation.  The flower found on the elderberry plant can also be used as a toner for the skin.  

Goji Berries- Rich in Antioxidants and amino acids this berry is great at reversing the effects of aging and sun damage on the skin.  They also are anti-inflammatory, help firm skin, get rid of wrinkles, reduce the appearance of scars and heal sun damaged skin.  

Grapes-Grapes are loaded with phyto-nutrients and phyto-chemicals which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties to fight damaged skin and acne.  They are rich in Vitamin C which helps fight the signs of aging and flavonoids which help fight sun damage on the skin and prevent the sun from damaging the skin.  They are high in alpha hydroxy acids or AHAs which exfoliate the skin for youthful, glowing skin.  They are very hydrating and can be used for people with very dry skin.  Black grapes are great at fighting acne and clearing oily skin of oil.  Green grapes can be used to brighten and lighten skin tone and grape seed oil can be used to lighten dark circles under the eyes.  

Guava- This fruit has an abundance of Vitamin C, antioxidants and carotene which make it amazing on the skin.  It improves your complexion by removing impurities that cause acne and brightening skin tone to get rid of hyperpigmentation.  The lycopene found in guavas helps protect you skin from harmful UV Rays and works as an antioxidant to fight free radical damage.  It contains Vitamins A,B and C as well as potassium which help fight signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles.  It also contains Vitamin K which works in amazing ways to heal the skin of acne, scars, lesions, rosacea, redness and irritation. It can also help hydrate dry skin, get rid of blackheads, be used as a toner and it blocks allergens making it great for itchy, irritated skin.

Juniper Berries- These amazing berries are ant-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-spasmodic, Astringent and Anti-Cancer.  Due to these amazing benefits it can fight acne, help get rid of cellulite, detox skin, calm skin, and treat eczema.  

Kiwi- The Vitamin C in kiwi is amazing at stimulating collagen and elastin production which help you fight aging by getting rid of fine lines and wrinkles.  It also repairs your skin leaving it soft, smooth and hydrated for younger looking skin.

Lemon- Due to its rich acid filled with antibacterial benefits, lemons are best at treating acne, oily skin, and dark spots.  It bleaches and evens out skin tone as well as kill acne causing bacteria.  You can also use lemon to clean your skin and fight canker sores.  Be careful when using lemon due to its strength you may want to ad a carrier oil or base like honey to dilute its potency.

Mango- Being rich in Vitamins A & C as well as Carotene make this fruit great at treating acne and getting rid of blackheads as well  fight signs of aging by aiding in the production of collagen.  

Mangosteen- This amazing fruit is anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-microbial and anti-fungal.  It fights many skin disorders and heals skin of acne lesions and blackheads.  It is also great at fighting aging due to its rich antioxidants and Vitamin C.  The Xanthone compound found in the skin helps to repair damaged skin cells and heal scars.  

Noni- Noni is great for your body inside and out.  It may smell like gross soy sauce but don't let that fool you.  It is anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and wound healing.  It is rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C and can be used to treat wrinkles, dry skin, acne, canker sores, burns, sunburns and allergic reactions. 

Oranges- We all know oranges are rich in Vitamin C which makes them great at fighting wrinkles and fine lines due to its aiding of collagen production.  Orange Peel Powder can be used to naturally bleach skin if you have acne scars or dark spots.  It also shrinks open pores and the citric acid help exfoliate and dry up acne.

Papaya- This fruit is a great natural exfoliator due to the Papain enzyme found in it which cause a natural shedding of dead skin cells healing dry flaky skin and revealing young, healthy "new skin".  The papain also aids in collagen and elastin production and contributes to hydration and anti-aging.  The Vitamin A and C work along side papain to aid collagen and fight free radical damage.  It also lightens skin tone, heals wounds and adds moisture and nutrition to the skin.

Peaches- Being rich in Vitamins A, C & K make peaches do wonders for your skin.  They are great at hydrating dry skin, reducing wrinkles and producing collagen, healing wounds and protecting you from harmful UV Rays.  

Pomegranate- This beautiful red fruit regenerates skin and prevents aging and hyperpigmentation.  It improves the texture of your skin leaving it soft and smooth.  It also fights skin cancer and protects skin from the sun.  You can also use pomegranate seed oil to cleanse your face.  

Raspberries- Very rich in antioxidant this berry helps fight damage from chemicals, sun, smoke and pollution that attach to our skin every day.  They are antibacterial and anti-fungal which make them great for treating acne and irritations on the skin.  It is an astringent and can be used as a toner and is also famous for tightening and firming the skin.  It is also anti-inflammatory and can be used to treat eczema.

Sea Buckthorn Berries- Antibacterial, antioxidant and rich in Vitamin C and fatty acids this berry is great at healing wounds and lesions, aiding in collagen production and firming skin, hydrating dry skin and treating acne.  It is also rich in Vitamin A with helps treat signs of aging and regenerates skin to its youthful glow.  It has also been found to help treat atopic dermatitis.

Strawberries- These berries are delicious and amazing.  They can be used to treat oily skin and acne as well as brighten your complexion.  One special things strawberries do is reduce the puffiness around the eyes.  You can use the seeds as an exfoliator for face or body.  

When using fruit in my skincare routine I usually smash fresh fruit or use its pure juice or oil.  Some fruits like noni and mangosteen can be easier to find in juice form than raw form and it works just as well.  

So remember don't just eat your fruits, WEAR THEM!

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