Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Scrubbing Do's & Don'ts

Scrubbing Do's & Don'ts

Scrubbing your face is something everyone needs to do in order to get rid of dead skin cells and bacteria sitting on the surface of your skin as well as allowing a deeper penetration of the products you use.  But scrubbing can also be dangerous and harsh for your face.  You should NOT scrub every day! Scrubbing should be a normal part of your routine, but like a mask should only be done about 2-3x per week or every other day or two.  Too much exfoliation can lead to hyperpigmentation, stretched and enlarged pores, breakouts, scarring and rosacea.  

When it comes to scrubbing its not just about how many times per week you use it, but what you are using when you do it.  Most scrubs out there, whether bought at the store or made at home are too harsh for the face.  You don't need to destroy and scrape your skin to exfoliate, it needs to be gentle as to not cause scarring and many other problems.  The best scrubbing beads disintegrate during use.  Here are a few scrubs to stay away from and the one I use most!

Scrubs To Stay Away From

Apricot Scrub: This popular scrub could possibly be used for the body but is way too harsh for your face.  When you use this product the scrub is slicing small microscopic lesions all over your face leaving it susceptible to bacteria and free radicals to enter the skins surface.  It can lead to infection and scarring as well as hyperpigmentation and rosacea. 

Seeds: I've seen a lot of Strawberry Seed Scrubs as well as apricot,  kiwi, cucumber, sesame and many other natural seeds used in scrubbing products.  Companies like them because unlike microbeads that are plastic these are natural and therefore gain people's attention for being good for you because it comes from a plant.  This is untrue.  They are still harsh and most are sharp and they do not deteriorate in water. 

Microbeads: These became very popular in cosmetics a couple decades ago due to their deep scrubbing and cheap manufacturing. Unfortunately these small plastic beads are not good for your face or the environment.  Because they are plastic they do not ever break down and therefore stay in the water system going into the oceans and clogging drains.  

Sugars: Sugar is a great natural scrub whether brown or white, but only for the body! It works wonders on hands and feet as well as stimulating hair growth on body for people who get ingrown hairs often but sugar is never good to put on the face.  Glucose and other sugars can clog pores and cause acne in many users.  Even eating too much sugar can cause this same reaction on your face.  This is a DIY no no! So many people recommend this and I am shocked.  Keep those sugars off your face and out of your diet!

Baking Soda: I see this all over the web! Baking soda for scrubs, to treat pimples and to use as a mask.  Do not do this! Baking soda is very alkaline on the pH scale where as our face is acidic.  The Acid Mantle on your skin is what keeps bacteria from living and growing on the surface of your skin.  When you use something that is very alkaline like lye/soap, baking soda, and even toothpaste you are taking away that acid mantle and therefore becoming susceptible to bacteria which can cause acne, pimples, scars and infection.

So, What Scrub Should You Use?

My all time favorite scrub, and honestly the only scrub I use for my face, are Jojoba beads.  Jojoba is an oil that is then made into tiny, disintegrating beads that as you scrub become water soluble which make it gentle on the face as well as keeps your drains clean and our oceans safe.  I order a small container of Jojoba beads from Amazon and just add it to a cleanser or oil a couple times per week to scrub my face.  Because of their popular reputation in the professional beauty industry many over the counter beauty scrubs have also started switching to jojoba.  Make sure to always check labels! I have found some OTC scrubs that say they contain Jojoba but at a deeper look also contained apricot seeds as well because Jojoba can be expensive for manufacturers. 

Below is a link to Amazon for the exact Jojoba Beads that a purchase for my home use:

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