Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Natural Homemade Sunscreen

Natural Homemade Sunscreen

Spring & Summer are getting closer every minute and the warmth and sunshine are trying to break through this gross winter weather.  But with sunshine comes dangerous sun rays that damage your skin.  The sun is amazing and packed full of Vitamin D which makes you happy and promotes bone health...but not skin health!  Dangerous UVB & UVA Rays cause sun spots/damage, melanoma and other skin cancers as well as 90% OF WRINKLES!!!  Basically if we never went in the sun and never made facial expressions we would all be completely wrinkle free, unfortunately that's impossible and unhealthy.

Over the counter sunscreens work but they contain parabens, PABA and other ingredients that are not only harmful for the body but also cause many allergic reactions in people.  So what is a healthy alternative? Make it at home! Now when you make sunscreen at home there is no way to prove the SPF but if you use enough ingredients that contain high amounts of sun protection you know you are covered for at least 1-2 hrs in the sun before re-application.

The amount of SPF also depends on the amount of each product used.  The more of each product, the more SPF. You can use the ingredients alone and just add it to your makeup or lotion or you can mix them together and put it in a bottle or jar just for your homemade sunscreen.


  • Zinc Oxide SPF 2-20
  • Carrot Seed Oil SPF 35-40
  • Red Raspberry Seed Oil SPF 25-50
  • Shea Butter SPF 4-6

Enjoy your Spring & Summer and don't forget to wear SUNSCREEN!!

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