Saturday, March 12, 2016

Spices For Your Skin

Spice Up Your Skin

Spices are not just for giving your food a kick but also your face.  Spices have been used for skin care for thousands of years.  They can be used to treat all sorts of Skin Conditions and complaints such as redness, wrinkles, acne, or hyper-pigmentation. 

Basil: Great antioxidant that helps fight against free radicals, promotes circulation, and can be used as a skin detoxing toner.  Can also be used to treat insect bites and stings.  

Black Pepper: Stimulates blood flow and loosens things up which make it good for use on blackheads.  Crush and mix honey for a mask or spot treatment for troubled areas before extractions.  

Chili, Cayenne & Jalapeno: These peppers can be used to prevent collagen loss to fight wrinkles.

Cinnamon: Antibacterial. Balances oily skin and great for zit treatment.  Causes a warming effect on the skin.  For toner add Echinacea.  WARNING: Do not use with sensitive skin, it may cause irritation. 

Clove: Anti-microbial.  Works as a great facial cleanser.  Soothes, softens, relaxes and warms the skin. Plus it smells amazing!  (I always put this in my diffuser during Christmas)

Fennel: This spice is great for sensitive skin.  It decreases redness and irritation and also helps minimize sensitivity caused by sun exposure.  It also tightens, cleanses, soothes, and reduces puffiness in the skin.

Ginger: Helps improve skin tone, brightens, fights blemishes and lightens age spots.

Oregano: One of the best things for treating scars on the skin.  Acne scars, injuries and stretch marks can be improved with use of Oregano or Oil of Oregano.  

Paprika: It is rich in Vitamin A and C which give it amazing results on your skin.  Paprika is a great antioxidant and it helps lighten and tighten the skin.  

Rosemary: Astringent that can be used in toners.  It is rich in nutrients, helps with cell regeneration, great for dry and dehydrated skin, fights wrinkles, and lightens dark spots.

Sage: Astringent great with toner.

Sesame Seeds: Put on acne scars and marks to lighten and promote healing.  To use; crush seeds into a paste and place on scars.

Thyme: Great for clearing acne.  To make a mask mix thyme and rosewater and leave on face 5-20 Minutes.

Turmeric: Causes damaged skin cells including cancerous ones to self destruct.  This is thanks to Curcumin which is found in turmeric.  It also hydrates skin, treats dark spots, brightens skin tone, repairs delicate skin areas like around the eye, and reduces wrinkles.

I personally like to make my own oils and concentrated water with these herbs by cooking them on low for hours in either water or a non-comedogenic oil like jojoba. With some spices you can grind up very small like a powder and use as a scrub, wash or mask. You can also buy the oils pre-made at most places that sell essential oils. Make sure when using products on your face that they are organic and non GMO because you want the purist oils and plants on your skin.   

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